How to Regrow Brussels Sprouts at Home

How to Regrow Brussels Sprouts at Home

If you’re a fan of Brussels sprouts, you’ll be happy to know that it’s easy to regrow them at home. Not only is it a cost-effective way to enjoy fresh Brussels sprouts, but you can also be assured of their quality and safety since you’ll be growing them yourself.

Here’s a guide on how to regrow Brussels sprouts at home, as well as some tips for success. You can enjoy delicious and nutritious Brussels sprouts right from your backyard with just a few simple steps.

Brussels sprouts
Brussels sprouts

Why You Should Regrow Brussels Sprouts at Home.

Brussels sprouts are a nutritional powerhouse. Just one cup of Brussels sprouts contains over 100% of the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin C, a nutrient that is essential for immunity, skin health, and more (1). Additionally, Brussels sprouts are a good source of fiber, vitamins A and K, and folate. Fiber helps to keep you regular and promotes gut health, while vitamins A and K are important for vision and bone health, respectively (2). Folate is a B vitamin that is essential for pregnant women as it helps to prevent birth defects (3).

Regrowing Brussels sprouts at home is an easy way to get all of these nutritional benefits without having to go to the grocery store. Plus, you can be sure that your Brussels sprouts are fresh since you will have grown them yourself!

The Cost-Effectiveness of Regrowing Brussels Sprouts.

Not only are Brussels sprouts nutritious, but they are also very cost-effective. A single packet of seeds can cost as little as $2 and will yield multiple harvests of Brussels sprouts (4). In comparison, a pound of fresh Brussels sprouts from the grocery store can cost anywhere from $2 to $4 (5). Therefore, regrowing your own Brussels sprouts can save you money in the long run.

Plus, growing your own food is generally more sustainable than buying food from the store. When you grow your own food, you cut down on transportation emissions and packaging waste (6). By regrowing Brussels sprouts at home, you can do your part to help the environment!

The Convenience of Regrowing Brussels Sprouts at Home.

In addition to being nutritious and cost-effective, regrowing Brussels sprouts at home is also very convenient. You won’t have to worry about making a trip to the store or dealing with wilted or moldy produce when you grow your own sprouts. Plus, you can easily control how much you grow so that you always have just enough – no more half-empty bags of produce taking up space in your fridge!

How to Regrow Brussels Sprouts at Home.

To collect the seeds, wait until the Brussels sprouts are fully mature and have started to dry out on the plant. Then, cut off the stalk just below the sprouts and remove the seeds. Store the seeds in a cool, dry place until you are ready to plant them.

Step Two: Prepare the Seeds for Planting.

Before planting, it is best to soak the seeds in water for 24 hours. This will help them germinate faster once they are planted.

Step Three: Plant the Seeds.

Plant the seeds in well-drained soil in a sunny location. Sow the seeds about ½ inch deep and 2 inches apart. Once they have sprouted, thin them out so that only the strongest seedlings remain.

Step Four: Care for the Seedlings.

Water regularly and fertilize occasionally to ensure that your seedlings grow into healthy plants. Protect them from pests and diseases by using organic pest control methods such as row covers or insecticidal soap spray.

Step Five: Harvest the Brussels Sprouts.

Harvest your Brussels sprouts when they are about 1-2 inches in diameter and still firm to the touch. Cut them off of the plant with a sharp knife, being careful not to damage the remaining leaves or stem.

Tips for Regrowing Brussels Sprouts Successfully.

When choosing a location to regrow your Brussels sprouts, it is important to consider both sunlight and drainage. Brussels sprouts need at least six hours of direct sunlight each day, so a spot in your garden that gets full sun is ideal. However, if you do not have a sunny spot in your garden, you can also grow Brussels sprouts in a pot on your deck or patio. Just make sure the pot has drainage holes so that the roots do not become waterlogged.

In terms of drainage, Brussels sprouts prefer well-drained soil. If your garden has heavy clay soil, you may want to consider growing Brussels sprouts in a raised bed or container to ensure good drainage. Alternatively, you can improve drainage in your garden by amending the soil with compost or other organic matter.

Water Regularly.

Brussels sprouts need consistent moisture throughout the growing season to produce bountiful harvests. Water the plants deeply and regularly, providing 1-2 inches of water per week, either through rainfall or irrigation. Be sure to avoid getting water on the leaves of the plants, as this can encourage fungal diseases such as powdery mildew.

If you live in an area with hot summers, you may need to water your Brussels sprouts more frequently during peak heat periods. It is also a good idea to mulch around the plants to help retain moisture and keep the roots cool.

Fertilize Occasionally.

Although Brussels sprouts are relatively low-maintenance plants, they will benefit from occasional fertilization. A balanced fertilizer applied once every four weeks is sufficient for most gardens. However, if you notice that your plants are struggling , you may need to fertilize more frequently. Signs of nutrient deficiency include yellowing leaves , stunted growth , and poor yields .

Brussels sprouts

Protect Against Pests and Diseases.

There are several pests and diseases that can affect Brussels sprouts, but fortunately, there are also many ways to prevent or control them. For example, row covers can be used to exclude pests such as cabbage loopers and flea beetles. To prevent fungal diseases such as powdery mildew, it is important to water early in the day so that the leaves have time to dry before nightfall. And finally, crop rotation can help reduce problems with pests and diseases by breaking their life cycles.


If you’re looking for a nutrient-rich, affordable, and convenient vegetable to grow at home, Brussels sprouts are an excellent choice. With just a few simple steps, you can successfully regrow Brussels sprouts from seeds. Remember to choose a good location, water regularly, fertilize occasionally, and protect against pests and diseases. With a little care and attention, you’ll be able to enjoy fresh Brussels sprouts right from your own backyard!

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