How to get plant cuttings for free

How to get plant cuttings for free

If you love plants and want to have lots of potted plants at home but want to keep a budget here are some ways you can plant cuttings for free.

  1. Ask friends

    Ask friends or family who have a beautiful garden to come and take plant cuttings for free, come with good scissors and a bag, and take branches of plants that look good.

    You will be surprised. Almost everyone you know has plants at home and almost no one will say no to you. Therefore, getting cuttings from family and friends is a very easy way to get plants for free.
cutting for free
  1. Ask neighbors
    If you have neighbors with a beautiful garden knock on the door, (you can come with cookies or flowers from your garden) and ask if you can get a free cutting of plants, chances are the neighbors will be happy to help.

    It’s an easy way to get to know neighbors and strengthen their relationship with the neighbors, and it’s also the easiest way to get free cuttings. just ask.
cutting for free
  1. local Facebook group
    Visit local gardening Facebook groups and ask if there is anyone who submits cutting of plants for free. Facebook also has dedicated groups for the topic. Look for free cutting of plants and the name of your area. Or a gardening group and the name of your area.
    This is a group that I really like for example
plant cuttings for free
This is how I got my monstera plant

plant cuttings for free
I have received wonderful and high-quality plants in Facebook groups, some people are happy to share and give plants, this is also a way to meet people who live in your area and are interested in the hobby of gardening like you.

4. buy 1+1 🙂
when you go to the store to buy plants, always look for plants that have several seedlings in them so that you can separate them and plant each one in a different place.

It’s not free, but that way for the price of one plant you get two or three
cutting for free

5. Buy small plants
When you come to a plant store always look for the smallest flower pots so you can buy a flower pot for $ 1-2 when a larger plant can cost double 10 or more.

This can save you a lot of money, mature trees can cost $50-100 or more, so when you buy a small plant you save a lot of money.

aloe vera plants

6. Baby plants
If you have a plant like an aloe vera, banana, or any other plant that grows next to the plant with more baby plants, just take the baby pot every time and transfer it to a new pot so you will have more free pots.

I had an aloe plant and for 4 years it kept growing more baby trees, I distributed it as gifts to everyone I love and I had a lot of pots from just one aloe tree

7. Buy a package
You can buy on Amazon a package of 12 living pots that come already small and then grow them, transfer to additional pots and so in one purchase you will have dozens of beautiful plants throughout the house

plant cuttings for free

Do you have another idea on how to get a free cutting of plants? We would love for you to write to us in the comments.

More ideas for planting on a Budget
