Budget-Friendly Living Wall Gardens

Budget-Friendly Living Wall Gardens

If you’re looking for a unique way to spruce up your home or office, why not create a living wall garden? A living wall garden is a vertical garden made up of plants. Not only is it visually stunning, but it also has many benefits.

green wall on a Budget

Creating a living wall garden is relatively easy and can be done with just a few materials. Plus, there are many different types of plants that can be used in a living wall garden, so you can customize it to suit your needs and preferences. And with proper care, your living wall garden will continue to thrive and look beautiful for years to come.

Why You Should Create a Living Wall Garden.

There are many benefits to creating a living wall garden. For one, living walls can help to insulate your home and reduce energy costs. Additionally, living walls can improve air quality by filtering out dust and other pollutants from the air. They also create a beautiful and unique focal point in your home or garden and can add value to your property.

To start building a green wall, you must first buy planting bags

Planting pockets: what they are and how to use them.
Planting pockets are small, independent gardens that can be placed on patios, balconies or even indoors. They are usually made of fabric or plastic and have several pockets or compartments for plants.

The benefits of planting pockets.
When planting in pockets, the soil is able to drain more easily because of the increased aeration around the roots. This is because the pocket area allows for more air circulation, prevents waterlogging and promotes healthy root growth.

Better root development.
The improved drainage also leads to better root development as the roots are able to search for nutrients and water more efficiently. This results in a stronger and healthier plant overall.

Better plant health.
Because plants grown in pockets have better drainage and aeration, they are less susceptible to fungal diseases that thrive in wet conditions. In addition, planted areas are less likely to experience compaction, meaning oxygen and nutrients can reach the roots more easily. All of these factors lead to better plant health in general when using planting bags.

The pockets you need to create a green wall can be found on Amazon or at any DIY store

The Materials You’ll Need to Create a Living Wall Garden.

In order to create a living wall garden, you will need some basic materials. These include plants, soil, water, fertilizer, pots or planters, and supports for the plants (such as wire mesh or trellis). You will also need a location for your wall garden that receives enough sunlight and has good drainage.

How to Create a Living Wall Garden.

Step One: Choose Your Plants

When selecting plants for your living wall garden, consider the amount of sunlight the space receives, as well as the watering needs of each plant. If you’re unsure which plants will work best in your space, ask a local nursery or gardening center for recommendations.

Some sun-loving plants that would do well in a living wall garden include ferns, ivy, succulents, and mosses. If your space doesn’t receive a lot of direct sunlight, opt for plants that can tolerate low-light conditions such as Orchids.

Step Two: Create a Soil Mixture

To ensure that your plants have the nutrients they need to thrive, create a soil mixture specifically for them. Start with two parts peat moss and one part perlite or sand. Add compost or manure to the mix for extra nutrients.

Step Three: Plant Your Wall Garden

Fill each planting pocket with your soil mixture, taking care not to pack it too tightly. Gently remove your plants from their pots and place them in the pockets, tamping down around the roots so they are secure. Water thoroughly after planting.

Step Four: Water and Maintain Your Wall Garden

Water your living wall garden regularly, making sure to evenly moisten the soil without over saturating it (which can lead to root rot). Check on your plants daily during hot weather to make sure they are not wilting from lack of water. In general, most plants will need to be watered once or twice a week.

Fertilize your living wall garden every two weeks using a half-strength solution of liquid fertilizer diluted with water. Avoid getting fertilizer on the leaves of your plants to prevent burning them. Prune any dead or dying leaves or stems as needed to keep your plants healthy and looking their best.

The Different Types of Plants You Can Use in Your Living Wall Garden.

Ferns are lovely, lacy plants that make a great addition to any living wall garden. They come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, so you can find one to fit any space. Ferns need moist soil and shady conditions to thrive, so make sure to choose a spot in your garden that meets those requirements.


Mosses are small, simple plants that are often used as groundcover or in hanging baskets. They don’t have true roots, so they’re very easy to care for. Mosses prefer shady, moist conditions, so they make a great addition to any shaded areas of your living wall garden.


Ivy is a classic climbing plant that can add a touch of elegance to your living wall garden. It’s available in many different varieties, so you can choose the one that best suits your space and needs. Ivy is relatively easy to care for, but it does require regular pruning to keep it under control.


Orchids are exotic flowers that come in a wide range of colors and sizes. They’re perfect for adding a touch of luxury to your living wall garden. Orchids require special care, including high humidity and bright indirect light, so make sure you do your research before adding them to your garden.


Succulents are drought-tolerant plants that come in a wide variety of shapes and colors. They’re perfect for adding interest to any dry areas of your living wall garden. Succulents are relatively easy to care for, but they do require well-draining soil and plenty of sunlight to thrive.

Tips for Maintaining Your Living Wall Garden.

One of the most important aspects of maintaining your living wall garden is watering. You’ll need to water your plants regularly, making sure to keep the soil moist but not soggy. Depending on the type of plants you’re growing, you may need to water more or less frequently. For example, succulents require less water than other types of plants.

It’s a good idea to check the soil before watering to see if it’s dry. You can do this by sticking your finger into the soil up to the first knuckle. If the soil is dry, it’s time to water. If it’s damp or wet, you don’t need to water yet.

When watering your living wall garden, be sure to use a gentle stream of water so you don’t damage the plants or dislodge them from the wall. A watering can with a shower head attachment is ideal for this purpose. Water each plant until the soil is moistened and then move on to the next one.


Fertilizing your living wall garden is important for keeping your plants healthy and ensuring they have all the nutrients they need to thrive. However, over-fertilizing can be harmful, so it’s important to follow directions carefully and only fertilize as often as recommended by the manufacturer or grower.

Some types of living wall gardens come with self-watering systems that also provide nutrients to the plants through a process called fertilizer injection. With these systems, you simply add nutrients (usually in liquid form) to the reservoir and they are automatically injected into the irrigation system when needed. This takes care of fertilizing for you and makes it easy to ensure that your plants are getting all the nutrients they need without over-fertilizing them.

How to Make Natural Fertilizer for Your Plants


Pruning your living wall garden is important for two reasons: first, it helps to keep the plants healthy by removing dead or dying leaves and stems; and second, it helps to keep the garden looking tidy and neat.

When pruning, be sure to use sharp, clean shears or scissors. Make cuts at a 45-degree angle just above a leaf node (the point where a leaf meets the stem). This will help encourage new growth.

Start by pruning any dead or dying leaves and stems. Then move on to trimming any longer stems that are sticking out or detracting from the overall look of the garden. Once you’re finished pruning, dispose of all plant debris in the compost bin or trash can.


A living wall garden is a beautiful and unique way to bring nature into your home. Not only do living walls add visual interest, but they also have many benefits for your health and well-being. Creating a living wall garden is a relatively simple process, and there are many different types of plants that you can use to create your own personal oasis. With a little care and attention, your living wall garden will thrive for years to come.

More ideas for planting on a Budget
