6 recipes for homemade weed killer on a budget​

6 recipes for homemade weed killer on a budget​

How to Make Cheap and Effective Homemade Weed Killer
We all know that keeping our yards and gardens weed-free can be a never-ending battle. But did you know that you can make your own cheap and effective weed killer at home?

There are several benefits to making your own weed killer, including saving money, knowing exactly what’s in it, and avoiding harmful chemicals. And while there are some drawbacks to commercial weed killers, such as their expense and effectiveness, making your own weed killer is easy and inexpensive.

The Benefits of Making Your Own Weed Killer.

The average cost of a commercial weed killer is about $15 per gallon. You can make your own weed killer for a fraction of that cost. In fact, you probably have most of the ingredients you need already in your pantry or garage.

Know Exactly What’s in It.

When you make your own weed killer, you know exactly what’s in it. This is important if you have small children or pets who might be tempted to play with or drink the weed killer. Commercial weed killers often contain harmful chemicals that can be dangerous if ingested.

Avoid Harmful Chemicals.

As mentioned above, many commercial weed killers contain harmful chemicals that can be dangerous to your health and the environment. When you make your own weed killer, you can avoid these harmful chemicals altogether. There are plenty of natural ingredients that are just as effective at killing weeds without the risk of harm.

The Drawbacks of Commercial Weed Killers.

They Often Contain Harmful Chemicals.
They’re Not Always Effective.
Weed killers are an important part of keeping your lawn or garden looking neat and tidy. But they can be expensive, and some of them contain harmful chemicals that can be bad for the environment. Here’s a look at the drawbacks of commercial weed killers and how you can make your own cheap and effective weed killer at home.

They’re Expensive.

Commercial weed killers can be pricey, especially if you need to treat a large area. You could end up spending a lot of money on something that might not even work effectively.

They Often Contain Harmful Chemicals.

Many commercial weed killers contain harmful chemicals like glyphosate, which has been linked to cancer ( source ). Glyphosate is also known to pollute waterways and harm animals and plants ( source ). If you accidentally get some on your skin or in your eyes, it can cause irritation ( source ). So it’s important to be careful when using these products and to follow the instructions carefully. Some natural alternatives to glyphosate-based weed killers are vinegar, salt, and lemon juice ( more on that below ).

They’re Not Always Effective.

Even if you use a commercial weed killer as directed, there’s no guarantee it will work effectively. The weeds might come back within a few weeks or they might not die at all . And if the weeds do die, they may leave behind unsightly brown patches in your lawn or garden .

7 Homemade weed killers

  1. Boil water in a kettle and carefully pour it over the weeds. The heat will kill both the trees and the roots. Do this with closed shoes, gloves and carefully. Do not do this near children.

    This option is good if you have some grass in a spot and not in a large area
  2. Mix one cup of salt with two cups of water, boil the water and pour over the herbs when the water is hot, it will kill them and make them not want to go back to your yard again.

    This option is good if you have some grass in a spot and not in a large area
  3. my favorite homemade weed killer is to Take a spray can (you can buy it at the Dollar Store), fill the can with vinegar, spray the weeds directly and after two days they will dry and can be easily pulled. This is my favorite method. It’s easy it’s safe, it’s cheap and convenient and most importantly it works!

    Don’t do this if it’s supposed to rain that day, if it rains and takes all the vinegar out it won’t work
  4. You can do the same with a bleach, fill a container with water and a bleach and spray on the plants, but be careful on the clothes, the option of vinegar is more friendly.

    This is an option I prefer the least because it may stain your clothes
  5. Mix a cup and a half of liquid soap with a liter of water and pour over the plants. They will no longer grow back.
  6. Combine equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Add lemon juice and salt to taste.

Add a squirt of dish soap to the mixture and shake well to combine.

Important tips

  • Spray mixture generously on weeds, taking care not to get any on your lawn or desirable plants.
  • Reapply as needed until weeds are gone. Note that this mixture will kill any plant it comes into contact with, so use caution when spraying around desirable plants.
  • For tougher weeds, you can add 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water and increase the amount of salt and lemon juice used. Or, for an even stronger solution, use straight vinegar (undiluted). Be aware that this will also kill desirable plants, so take care when using it!

These weed killers work best on young, small weeds.

For best results, spray in the morning or evening when the sun isn’t as strong.

-Avoid spraying on windy days to prevent drift onto desirable plants.

-Weeds will start to wilt and die within a day or two after being sprayed.

-Reapply as needed until they’re gone.

homemade weed killer


Once you have finished spraying and the plants have dried, remove them by hand, then baking soda should be spread over the entire paved area to prevent new trees from growing, baking soda can be purchased in large packages at any store.

If you have a lot of weed on the cracks

If you have a large amount of weeds, it may be difficult to spray everything or do all the actions I wrote here.
Therefore, if there are a lot of weeds, I recommend ordering a cleaning service, or cleaning the path with water pressure, after everything is clean, keep an eye on it all the time and check that no more weeds grow, and if they do, use the methods in this post to kill them when they are small.


If you’re looking for a cheap and effective way to kill weeds, making your own homemade weed killer is the way to go. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also know exactly what’s in it and avoid harmful chemicals. Plus, it’s easy to make!

Remember, when using any kind of weed killer, be careful not to get it on any plants you don’t want to kill. Also, always read the label carefully and follow the instructions. With a little bit of care and attention, you can easily make yo

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