How to grow potatoes from scraps: The ultimate guide

How to grow potatoes from scraps: The ultimate guide

Have you ever wanted to grow your own potatoes, but didn’t know how? Well, you’re in luck! This blog post will teach you everything you need to know about growing potatoes from scraps.

You’ll learn the basics of getting started, including what you need and how to choose the right potato for the job. We’ll also cover planting, caring for your plants, harvesting, and storing your potatoes. By the end of this guide, you’ll be a potato-growing pro!

growing potatoes
growing potatoes

The basics of growing potatoes from scraps.

In order to grow potatoes from scraps, you will need the following items:

-A potato with eyes (the sprouts on the potato that will eventually grow into vines)

-A small pot or container

-Potting soil


Choosing the right potato for the job.

Not all potatoes are created equal, and some types of potatoes are better suited for growing from scraps than others. For example, waxy potatoes such as Red Bliss and Yukon Gold tend to rot quickly once they’ve been cut, so they’re not ideal candidates for this project. Instead, focus on starchy varieties like Russet and Idaho potatoes, which are more likely to sprout successfully.

Planting your potato scraps.

Once you’ve gathered your supplies, it’s time to plant your potato scrap! Start byFill your pot with potting soil, then create a small hole in the center of the soil big enough to fit your potato piece snugly. Gently place the potato in the hole, making sure that the eyes are pointing up, and cover with additional soil until it is level with the rest of the potting mix. Water well and place in a sunny spot.

Caring for your potato plants.

Potatoes need about 1 inch of water per week, either from rainfall or from irrigation. Be sure to water deeply so that the water reaches the roots. Water early in the day so that the leaves have time to dry off before nightfall.

Fertilizing your potato plants.

Fertilize your potatoes when they are about 6 weeks old and again when they start to bloom. Use a fertilizer with a ratio such as 5-10-5 or 8-24-24. Apply the fertilizer around the base of the plant, being careful not to get any on the leaves.

Dealing with pests and diseases.

The most common pests that affect potatoes are aphids, Colorado potato beetles, and cutworms. The most common diseases are early blight, late blight, and scab. To control pests and diseases, use pesticides and fungicides according to label directions.

Harvesting your potatoes.

The time to harvest your potatoes will depend on the type of potato you are growing and the climate you are in. For example, early potatoes can be harvested as early as 10 weeks after planting, while maincrop potatoes need to be grown for at least 20 weeks before harvesting.

In general, you will know when your potatoes are ready to harvest when the plants start to die back and the leaves turn yellow. The potato tubers will also be fully grown by this stage.

To check if your potatoes are ready to harvest, gently dig up one plant and feel around for any large tubers. If there are any, then it’s time to harvest all of your plants.

How to harvest your potatoes.

Harvesting potatoes is a simple process that just requires a little bit of care so that you don’t damage the tubers. Start by using a spade or fork to carefully loosen the soil around each plant. Then, lift each plant out of the ground and shake off any excess dirt.

Next, cut off any green shoots with a sharp knife and discard them. These green shoots contain a poisonous compound called solanine which can make you sick if ingested in large quantities.

Finally, sort through the potato tubers and set aside any that are small or damaged for immediate consumption. The rest can be stored for later use.

Storing your potatoes.

Once you’ve harvested your potatoes, it’s important to store them properly to ensure that they last as long as possible. Potatoes should be stored in a cool, dark, and dry place. The ideal temperature for storing potatoes is between 45 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

One thing to keep in mind is that potatoes should not be stored near onions, as this can cause them to spoil more quickly. If you’re storing your potatoes in a pantry or cupboard, make sure to put them in a breathable bag (such as a paper bag) to prevent them from getting too much moisture and developing mold or mildew.

How long do potatoes last?

Potatoes will typically last for several months when stored properly. However, the exact amount of time will vary depending on the type of potato and how it was harvested/stored. For example, new potatoes will only last for 2-3 weeks while older potatoes can last for up to 6 months.


If you follow the steps outlined in this guide, you should have no trouble growing potatoes from scraps. Just remember to choose the right potato for the job, water and fertilize regularly, and harvest at the right time. With a little care, you can enjoy a bumper crop of delicious homegrown potatoes.

Are there any other vegetables you can grow from leftovers at home? For more information on other vegetables you can grow from scraps at home, click here.

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