10 mistakes beginners make in gardening

10 mistakes beginners make in gardening

If you are just getting started in your gardening journey, you might surprise yourself with how much knowledge you gain every day. That is amazing, but one of the best ways to learn, is through mistakes, preferably other people[‘s mistakes.

These are 10 common mistakes beginner gardeners make. Save them on your bookmarks and avoid them as much as possible.

Mistake 1
Water the plants with too much water

just because you bring them a lot of water doesn’t mean you love them more.
The simplest rule is to check with your finger if the soil is dry and only then give them water.
Here is a post that explains everything you need to know about how much water to give your plants

Water the plants with too little water, pay attention to the leaves of your plant if they look wilted and sad, they may not have received enough water.

What is Under-watering?
Under-watering occurs when a plant does not receive enough water. This can happen if a gardener forgets to water their plants regularly or if they live in an area with little rainfall. When a plant does not receive enough water, its leaves will begin to droop and wilt. The plant may also stop growing altogether. If a plant is under-watered long enough, it will eventually die.

You don’t put fertilizer

Plants that are in pots should also receive fertilization, it’s like food for plants.
You can go to any DIY store or nursery and buy fertilizer intended for plants, it’s not expensive and one package of fertilizer is enough for a long time.

You put soil from your yard for the plants.

If you want to grow plants in a pot, they require soil that is intended for planting, you can buy potting mix anywhere, one package of potting mix is ​​enough for a lot of plants.

You don’t give them sun

Most plants need sun to grow.
Check on Google if the plant you have needs sun, or partial sun.
If you don’t know the name of the plant, you can take a picture of it with the help of Google Lens and see what its name is and what growing conditions suit it.

mistake 5
You make too big a change for them at once

If you brought a plant from the nursery, do not transfer it to a new pot on the same day, neither to the sun nor to a yard that is too windy or too cold or too hot.Try to think about the plant and make the change to it in a more pleasant way and consider it.

mistake 6

One of the most common gardening mistakes is overplanting. This is when gardeners plant too many plants in one area, crowding them and preventing them from getting the air and light they need to thrive. Overplanting can also lead to soil compaction, which can make it difficult for roots to spread and absorb nutrients.

To avoid overplanting, gardeners should start with a smaller number of plants and add more as needed. They should also group plants together according to their needs, so that those that need more space are not crowded by those that don’t.

mistake 7
Not Grouping Plants Together.

Another common mistake is not grouping plants together according to their needs. This means that plants that need full sun may be crowded by those that prefer partial shade, or vice versa. It can also mean planting different types of plants next to each other without considering how they will affect each other’s growth.

To avoid this mistake, gardeners should research the needs of each plant before they buy it. They should then plan out their garden beds, making sure to group plants together that have similar sunlight and water requirements.

mistake 8
Not Checking Soil Conditions.

Before planting anything in the ground, gardeners should check the soil conditions in their gardens. This means testing the pH level and nutrient content of the soil to make sure it is suitable for the plants they want to grow. Gardeners can purchase soil test kits at most gardening stores, or they can send a sample of their soil to a testing laboratory.

If the soil is not suitable for the plants, gardeners can amend it with compost or other organic matter. They can also choose plants that are tolerant of poor soils, such as succulents or cacti.

mistake 9
Not Understanding Sunlight Requirements

Gardening in an area with insufficient sunlight is one mistake that leads directly to plant death. All plants need some amount of sunlight for photosynthesis, which is how they produce food for themselves through conversion of light energy into chemical energy stored in glucose molecules. Too little sunlight results in spindly growth and leaves that are pale in color. The leaves may also be small and have fewer chloroplasts —the organelles within cells where photosynthesis takes place. Because insufficient sunlight limits a plant’s ability to produce food (glucose), the plant will eventually die if it doesn’t receive enough light.

mistake 10

Over-watering occurs when a plant receives too much water.* This often happens when new gardeners water their plants too often or when they use too much water per watering session. When a plant receives too much water, its roots will begin to rot dueto oxygen deprivation caused by flooding. The leaves of an over-watered plant may turn yellow or brown and fall off prematurely. The stems may become weak and brittle, and eventually, the entire plant may collapse. If a gardener continues overwatering their plants, they will eventually kill them .


The most common gardening mistakes are avoidable with a little knowledge and forethought. By taking the time to understand your plants’ needs, you can ensure a healthy and thriving garden. With proper care, your garden will be a beautiful space to enjoy for years to come.

If you are looking for more information for beginning gardeners, you should read here

More ideas for planting on a Budget
