how to grow broccoli from scarf

how to grow broccoli from scarf

why does everybody like broccoli?

One of the healthiest vegetables is broccoli, broccoli has many health benefits and is a good source of minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium. As broccoli is low in calories, it is good for weight loss, detoxification, reducing cholesterol, maintaining heart health, and more

As a vegetarian side dish or main course, broccoli can also be added to salads, baked in the oven, fried, or roasted.

Most people are familiar with the possibility of growing broccoli from seeds, but you can also grow v from leftover broccoli that you already have at home.


Here are a few reasons why you should try to grow broccoli from scarps.

1. This is an interesting and educational activity that children can participate in and show them how vegetables grow in nature.

2. You can save money by growing your own instead of buying.

3. Pollution reduction and waste reduction.

Is it possible to plant leftover broccoli?

broccoli can be grown from leftover food, which may seem strange and unexpected.

Many people throw broccoli leaves in the trash and that’s it, but you can grow it again, just as you can grow many other vegetables from leftovers.

What is the process? How can you grow broccoli from leftovers?

All you need is to buy fresh broccoli at the supermarket once, and a plate with some water, take the broccoli, remove all the white parts and leave the stem with the leaves, and place it in a bowl of water.

Now a little patience and in a few days you will see that roots start to emerge at the bottom of the trunk.

When the broccoli is in the water, it is important to note that there will not be too much water, that it will not drown but that there will not be a 

It is very important to change the water every 48 hours so bacteria do not grow.

After about a week the broccoli will start to put out roots.

Transfer your broccoli plants once the roots have grown about two to three inches long. 

After it has taken out roots, you can bring it to the ground.


Important Information

Find the right place and season.

broccoli needs a sunny place to grow, at least 6 hours of sun, but not too hot. A temperature below 80 degrees Fahrenheit is suitable.

In other words, if you live in a very very hot area and the season is summer, do not put the broccoli in the sun outside but in a shaded area.

After you found the right place, move the broccoli to its permanent place.

You can transfer it to a pot, or to the ground.

But – it is very important to transfer it to a pot with good planting soil, soil that is not too dense, soil with drainage.

If you are planting more than one broccoli plant, space them 5 inches apart to let them grow.

Tips to succeed in growing broccoli.

broccoli needs sun to grow, spend a few minutes looking for a place with good sun for at least 6 hours a day.

Check that the soil has good drainage.

Water the broccoli with water, not too much water but not too little either.

Remove weeds from the ground, they interfere with normal growth/

Common mistakes beginners make

Will I grow real broccoli from the plant I grow from leftovers?

You can definitely grow real broccoli from leftover broccoli from the grocery store.
But – the broccoli you buy has been refrigerated for a while and is not always really fresh.
Therefore, the broccoli you grow may be smaller than you are used to.

Want to grow a big and beautiful broccoli?
If it is important to you to grow a large and beautiful broccoli, I recommend growing it from seeds, this guarantees you a large, strong, and healthy broccoli that is sure to succeed!

Are there any other vegetables you can grow from leftovers at home? For more information on other vegetables you can grow from scraps at home, click here.

regrow vegetables from scarp

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