“From A to Z: How to Grow Your Own Fruits and Vegetables from Scraps”

“From A to Z: How to Grow Your Own Fruits and Vegetables from Scraps”

Welcome to our blog post on growing fruits and vegetables from leftovers! In this post, we will bring you a list of all the fruits and vegetables that can be grown from scraps, organized in alphabetical order. From asparagus to watermelons, we’ve got you covered. So next time you’re about to toss out those carrot tops or pineapple skins, think again! You may just be able to use them to start your own little garden.

Here is the list of vegetables arranged in alphabetical order:

  • Arugola
  • Asparagus
  • Avocado
  • Beets
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Chilli peppers
  • Cucumbers
  • Eggplants
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Green onions
  • Green beans
  • Kale
  • Lettuce
  • Pineapples
  • Peppers
  • Potato
  • Strawberries
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Tomatoes
  • Watermelons
  • Zucchini


Arugula can be grown from the seeds found inside its flowers. Simply harvest the seeds and plant them in soil. Keep the soil moist and the arugula should sprout in a few weeks.
For more information on growing arugola from leftovers, click here.


Asparagus can be grown from the seeds found inside its flowers. Simply harvest the seeds and plant them in soil. Keep the soil moist and the asparagus should sprout in a few weeks.
For more information on growing asparagus from leftovers, click here.


To grow an avocado tree from a pit, remove the pit from the avocado and wash off any remaining fruit. Stick three toothpicks into the pit, equidistant around its circumference, and suspend the pit over a jar of water so that the bottom half of the pit is submerged. Place the jar in a warm, sunny spot and wait for the pit to sprout roots and a shoot. When the shoot is several inches long, cut it back to encourage the growth of a strong root system. Once the root system is well established, transfer the pit to a pot filled with soil.
For more information on growing avocados from leftovers, click here.


To grow beets from scraps, cut off the tops of the beets (leaving about an inch of the beet attached) and place them in a small container of water. Keep the container in a sunny spot and change the water every few days. The beets will regrow and you can snip off the tops as needed.
For more information on growing beets from leftovers, click here.


Broccoli can be grown from the seeds found inside its flowers. Simply harvest the seeds and plant them in soil. Keep the soil moist and the broccoli should sprout in a few weeks.
For more information on growing broccoli from leftovers, click here.


Brussels sprouts can be grown from the seeds found inside its flowers. Simply harvest the seeds and plant them in soil. Keep the soil moist and the Brussels sprouts should sprout in a few weeks.
For more information on growing Brussels sprouts from leftovers, click here.


Cabbage can be grown from the seeds found inside its flowers. Simply harvest the seeds and plant them in soil. Keep the soil moist and the cabbage should sprout in a few weeks.
For more information on growing cabbage from leftovers, click here


To grow carrots from scraps, save the tops of carrots when you’re cooking and plant them in a pot of soil. Keep the soil moist and they should sprout in a few weeks.
For more information on growing carrots from leftovers, click here.


Cauliflower can be grown from the seeds found inside its flowers. Simply harvest the seeds and plant them in soil. Keep the soil moist and the cauliflower should sprout in a few weeks.
For more information on growing cauliflower from leftovers, click here.

Chilli peppers

Chilli peppers can be grown from the seeds found inside the pepper. Simply harvest the seeds and plant them in soil. Keep the soil moist and the chilli peppers should sprout in a few weeks.
For more information on growing chilli peppers from leftovers, click here


Cucumbers can be grown from the seeds found inside the cucumber. Simply harvest the seeds and plant them in soil. Keep the soil moist and the cucumbers should sprout in a few weeks.

For more information on growing cucumbers from leftovers, click here.


Eggplants can be grown from the seeds found inside the eggplant. Simply harvest the seeds and plant them in soil. Keep the soil moist and the eggplants should sprout in a few weeks.
For more information on growing eggplants from leftovers, click here.


You can grow garlic from a single clove. Simply peel the clove and plant it in a pot with soil, pointed end up. Water regularly and keep the soil moist.

For more information on growing garlic from leftovers, click here.

Green onions

Cut off the root end of a bunch of green onions and place it in a small container of water. Keep the container in a sunny spot and change the water every few days. The onions will regrow and you can snip off the tops as needed.

For more information on growing green onions from leftovers, click here.

Green beans

  1. Choose a sunny location with well-draining soil for your green bean plants.
  2. Sow the seeds directly in the soil, planting them about an inch deep and about two inches apart.
  3. Water the seeds regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged.
  4. Thin out the seedlings to about three inches apart when they are a few inches tall.
  5. Add compost or a balanced fertiliser to the soil to provide nutrients for the growing plants.
  6. Train the plants to climb a trellis or support to keep the beans off the ground and make harvesting easier.
  7. Keep an eye out for pests such as aphids and handpick them off the plants as needed.
  8. Harvest the beans when they are about the size of your little finger and still tender.

    For more information on growing Green beans, click here.


Kale can be grown from the seeds found inside its flowers. Simply harvest the seeds and plant them in soil. Keep the soil moist and the kale should sprout in a few weeks.

For more information on growing Kale from leftovers, click here.


Cut off the bottom inch or so of a head of lettuce and place it in a small container of water. Keep the container in a sunny spot and change the water every few days. The lettuce will regrow and you can snip off the tops as needed.

For more information on growing lettuce from leftovers, click here.


Pineapples can be grown from the tops of pineapples. Simply cut off the top of a pineapple, leaving about an inch of the fruit attached. Remove the bottom leaves to expose the stem and plant the pineapple top in a pot of soil. Keep the soil moist and the pineapple should sprout roots and a new plant in a few weeks.

For more information on growing Pineapples from leftovers, click here.


Peppers can be grown from the seeds found inside the pepper. Simply harvest the seeds and plant them in soil. Keep the soil moist and the peppers should sprout in a few weeks.

For more information on growing Peppers from leftovers, click here.


To grow potatoes from scraps, save the eyes of a potato and plant them in a pot of soil. Keep the soil moist and the potatoes should sprout in a few weeks.

For more information on growing potatoes from leftovers, click here.


Strawberry plants can be propagated from runners (long stems with small plantlets at the end). Simply cut off a runner and plant it in a pot of soil. Keep the soil moist and the runner should sprout roots and a new plant in a few weeks.

For more information on growing Strawberry from leftovers, click here.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes can be grown from slips (small sprouts that grow from the sweet potato). To grow sweet potatoes from slips, cut a sweet potato in half lengthwise and place it in a jar of water with the cut side facing down. Place the jar in a sunny spot and wait for the sweet potato to sprout slips. Once the slips are several inches long, cut them off and plant them in a pot of soil. Keep the soil moist and the sweet potatoes should sprout in a few weeks.

For more information on growing Sweet potatoes from leftovers, click here.


Tomatoes can be grown from the seeds found inside the tomato. Simply harvest the seeds and plant them in soil. Keep the soil moist and the tomatoes should sprout in a few weeks.

For more information on growing Tomatoes from leftovers, click here.


Watermelons can be grown from the seeds found inside the watermelon. Simply harvest the seeds and plant them in soil. Keep the soil moist and the watermelons should sprout in a few weeks.

For more information on growing Watermelons from leftovers, click here.


Zucchini can be grown from the seeds found inside the zucchini. Simply harvest the seeds and plant them in soil. Keep the soil moist and the zucchini should sprout in a few weeks.

For more information on growing Zucchini from leftovers, click here.


To grow eggplants from leftovers, save the seeds from the inside of an eggplant and plant them in soil. Keep the soil moist and the eggplants should sprout in a few weeks. Alternatively, you can also grow eggplants from the stem of an eggplant plant. Simply cut off a stem with a few leaves attached and plant it in soil. Keep the soil moist and the stem should sprout roots and a new plant in a few weeks.

For more information on growing eggplants from leftovers, click here.

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